
Covid-19 Testing Options

Covid-19 testing brought to you
PCR Testing

Immediate results


Antibody tests

Group Testing

PCR Testing

PCR tests remain the recognized gold standard for detecting an active COVID-19 infection.


The PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a molecular test that detects the genetic material of an active COVID-19 virus and is the most accurate type of COVID test currently available.

Test Details Cost
PCR (RT-PCR) Collected by a non-invasive anterior nasal swab

  • $250 (+ an additional $75 lab fee for clients without insurance)
  • Your sample will be brought to the lab and you will receive the results within 12-24 hours
PCR (RT-PCR) with Same-Day Results The same non-invasive collection method — just with quicker results!

  • Same-day results. Less than 12 hour turnaround. Usually in 6-8 hours
Rapid PCR (RT-PCR) with Results in 1 HOUR Collected by a non-invasive anterior nasal swab.

  • Results provided in 1hr once your sample has reached our local central lab.
  • Samples will be brought directly to the lab from your location.
  • *Capability of processing test on site upon request, results in 30min.

Immediate Results

Test Details Cost
Rapid Covid-19 Molecular Test (NAAT) Offering a similar high sensitivity and accuracy to PCR testing, the NAAT (Nucleic Acid Amplification Test) is a type of viral diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2, (COVID-19). NAAT detects genetic material (nucleic acids) just like a PCR, RT-PCR test.

NAAT tests are ideal for immediate needs with high-sensitivity results or for same-day travel needs. A trained member of the Sapphire Park Medical team will come to you, perform the non-invasive anterior nasal swab, process your sample, and give you your results — all in the same visit.

  • Results provided in real-time, on-site and within 20 minutes
Rapid Antigen Testing Covid-19 antigen tests detect the nucleocapsid protein antigen from SARS-CoV-2. This non-invasive anterior nasal swab test is recommended for people who have a suspected coronavirus infection, and/or are actively showing symptoms, and need immediate results.

  • Results provided in real-time, on-site, and within 10-15 minutes

Covid vs. Flu

Test Details Cost
Rapid Combo Antigen Test: Detects COVID-19 & Flu A & B Flu season is upon us — this test helps you understand whether you’re experiencing symptoms of a typical cold or flu, or are positive for Covid-19.

The Rapid Combo Antigen provides very sensitive results for COVID-19 and Flu A & B detection, all with a simple non-invasive anterior nasal swab completed in seconds.

  • Results delivered in real-time, on-site, and within 15 minutes
Comprehensive Viral Panel with COVID-19 They say that knowledge is power, but when it comes to healthcare, knowledge is actually peace of mind. A Comprehensive Viral Panel test uses a nasopharyngeal sample to detect the twenty most common viruses, including Influenza A, B, Adenovirus, H-Rhinovirus, RSV, Pertussis, plus COVID-19 — know what you’re treating, even if the symptoms are unclear.

  • $425 (+ an additional $350 lab fee for clients without insurance)
  • Results within 24 hours

Antibody tests

Antibody tests detect coronavirus antibodies, born either from vaccination or natural infection.


Tests are available to confirm whether or not you were recently infected with COVID-19, and to confirm your antibody levels following vaccination or infection.

Test Details Cost
Sars-Cov-2 IgG/IgM Antibodies – Same Day This test is performed via a venous blood draw and is used to detect antibody levels specific for the virus Spike protein that develops following vaccination or natural infection.

  • Same-day results, including a numerical indication of your current antibody levels
Sars-Cov-2 IgG/IgM Antibodies – 24 Hours This test is performed via a venous blood draw and is used to detect antibody levels specific for the virus Spike protein that develops following vaccination or natural infection.

  • $285 (+ an additional $75 lab fee for clients without insurance)
  • Results within 24-48 hours
Nucleocapsid Protein IgG Antibody Test Also performed via a venous blood draw, the Nucleocapsid Antibody Test can be used to confirm a suspected COVID-19 infection in the recent past.

  • $285 (+ an additional $50 lab fee for clients without insurance)
  • Results within 24-48 hours

Corporate and group Covid-19 testing

You want to get back to work and back to enjoying group social events — and we’re here for it!


Amongst being vaccinated against coronavirus, corporate and group COVID-19 testing is also essential to keep employees, guests, friends, and family safe.

It’s our job to make the process of group testing as easy as possible. Reach out for a free consultation from the team, and we’ll help you understand what’s best suited to you and your group!

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  • Address

    Beverly Hills:

    8920 West Olympic, Beverly Hills 90210


    447 Broadway 2nd Floor New York, NY 10013

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  • Open Hours

    MON-FRI: 5AM-11PM

    MEMBERS: 24/7

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