
Provider Services

View our Concierge Medical Memberships to access our provider services.

Need an ER doctor on demand? An urgent care house call or last-minute telehealth appointment? Our team is the best at what they do, and they are on-call to provide the most convenient service for you.

Concierge Medical Memberships

Concierge memberships allow you access to our on-demand healthcare –– you choose the location, and we come to you. Our range of specialties, including emergency, functional, and family medicine to cover all your needs.

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Not all doctor's appointments need to be in person. Sometimes we just need convenient, non-emergency medical care. From prescription refills to mild viral symptoms to skin issues, schedule a virtual visit with one of our doctors to address your everyday medical needs.

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Urgent Care House Calls & Emergency Medicine

Experience premium medical care in the comfort of your own home with our urgent care and emergency medicine house calls. Our emergency medicine board-certified physicians will come directly to you, providing top-notch urgent care services without the stress of visiting an ER.

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Functional Medicine

We focus on functional medicine — looking at the “big picture” of your health rather than only treating acute issues. Our specialty providers (including GI, internal, and family medicine doctors) consider your overall health in their treatments, crafting a health and wellness plan that’s uniquely yours.

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  • Address

    Beverly Hills

    8920 West Olympic, Beverly Hills 90210


    447 Broadway 2nd Floor New York, NY 10013

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  • Open Hours

    MON-FRI: 5AM-11PM

    MEMBERS: 24/7

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